
Showing posts from 2016

My Sincere Thanks

I have learned from many over the years: my clients, my colleagues—those who invested in my companies and entrepreneurs that I believed in and invested in—my students, my mentors, and my teachers. I am grateful to all for helping me shape my thoughts.   In writing this book the following individuals were particularly generous with their time and thoughtfulness.   Donald Beall Former CEO and Chairman of Rockwell International and former board member for Procter & Gamble, Amoco, and Time Warner. A true leader of complexity. Austin Beutner Co-founder of Evercore Partners (the investment banking group with over $1.2 billion revenues in 2015); former First Deputy Mayor of Los Angeles; and past publisher and CEO of the Los Angeles Times and the San Diego Union- Tribune. An expert in spotting opportunities and executing flawlessly. Adam Coates An MIT Technology Review recognized under-35 innovator, a Stanford University researche

My aim ...

First blog entry … the hardest to write As I first brainstormed the realities of today’s constantly changing and competitive world with clients, friends and students, it became clear to me that our old ways of planning and strategizing are not appropriate for the new world of big data, analytics, artificial intelligence, constant innovation and the millennial generation. And that was the origin of my book, The Caterpillar’s Edge . I started writing this book a couple of years ago. But the first versions soon became obsolete.  The book evolved many times. Along the way, now my good friend, Webster Stone, joined the journey as my “no nonesense” editor. I would write and Web would reject … I would re-write and Web would raise the bar – tough love, true and true. Make it crisper, get to the point, no consulting lingo he would emphasize. As I conceived every idea and wrote every word and sentence, Web (at times with great frustration!) helped me sharpen my thoughts and re-evaluate eve