World war III, living a very healthy and a much longer life, becoming a slave to the machines, loss of hundreds and hundreds of millions of jobs or global productivity gains greater than 3 to 4 times the GDP of United States – Opinions… Opinion … Opinions … Who is right?
What is the consequence or the gift Artificial Intelligence is offering us? This article is NOT about the top 5 things to do or the 7 habits to embrace … It is about the complexity of a world in flux.. perhaps with only 1 option.

Bill Gates, Steven Hawkins (RIP) and Elon Musk are ringing warning bells left and right as to the need for us to be aware of dangers of AI it could be taking over and controlling us. On the other side, we are starting to see progress influencing our day to day life. Yet, there are alarming reports coming out about of 400 to 800 million jobs ahead. (McKinsey Report Link)

I fear that AI may replace humans altogether. If people design computer viruses, someone will design AI that improves and replicates itself." 
Stephen Hawking

We, in the west, argue about data privacy and fear of machine mastery and we are focused on reviving a labor economy and living in a state of governmental indecisiveness. Our lifelong foes, Russia & China, have, however, realized that the world is changing and are investing in AI, in a BIG WAY! As always, the future belongs to those who invest in the right places today and are willing to evolve to face and overcome future challenges.
“The future belongs to artificial intelligence.”
And whichever nation will be at the forefront of the technology,
will rule the world.
-       Putin, the Russian President

“Artificial intelligence is the future, not only for but for all humankind,” explained Putin. “It comes with colossal opportunities, but also threats that are difficult to predict. Whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the world.” “If we become leaders in this area, we will share this know-how with the entire world, the same way we share our nuclear technologies today,” maintained Putin. So, who is Putin intending to share the AI technology with? 
Tesla founder Elon Musk may have pondered on Putin’s comments since he believes artificial intelligence could prove to be one of the most destructive technological innovations for the human unless governments are “proactive” in regulation. According to Russia Today <Source>, speaking at the National Governors Association in Rhode Island, Musk ominously suggested we could be facing a future in which intelligent machines actually destroy mankind.

But Mark Zuckerberg, who is now in a serious privacy debacle Facebook condemns “irresponsible naysayer” Musk over “doomsday” AI Claims <Video & More>. In response, Musk claims that his understanding is limited.
Perhaps, Mark can join the rest of our nation as well have a limited understanding of the AI dynamics in the world!

“But people arguing about slowing down the process of building AI, 
I just find that really questionable.” 
-      Mark Zuckerberg
and world war III arguments aside, there are clear economic benefits. The greatest economic gains from AI will be in China (26% boost to GDP in 2030 – think $3.0 Trillion) and North America (14.5% boost) <PWC Report>. In this light, China's State Council has called for the nation to become "the world's primary AI innovation center" by 2030, by which time, it forecast, the country's AI industry could be worth $150 billion. BUT there are consequences to this economic outlook: jobs lost, lives and families disrupted and human capital turned obsolete! Again, a PWC report suggests that by 2030 38% of U.S. Jobs will be impacted. Machines, Robots an cognitive computing and AI will be affecting 83% of JOBS paying $20 or less / hour compared to 4% of JOBS paying $40 or more. AI will be impacting our most vulnerable. Some of the jobs slated to be impacted by AI and robots include: Bank Tellers, Insurance claims Representatives & Underwriters, Financial Analysts, Construction workers, Airplane Pilots, Middle Management, Manufacturing workers Journalists.
What does the future hold for us? As common men/women... how should we feel? Would we be out of a job? Do we have to report to artificially intelligent machine bosses? Should we be afraid? Should we push back?
What is the promise of AI? NOT as intellectuals or experts, NOT as the statement seeking political power and NOT the technology CEOs positioned to seize considerable financial gains. What the promise and the consequence to you 
Last Words... May I suggest that the train has left the station and resistance is simply futile (a wink to my Treki friends). We have a choice!
Have faith in our human ability to evolve, then embrace the change and don’t leave it to chance.
Fear is the mother of all ills. It empowers others (people, countries, and companies) to take advantage of progress.

Have faith! 

Please see https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/new-cold-war-upon-us-sid-mohasseb/?published=t for more on this. 


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