
Showing posts from May, 2018

Carry your weight, be a millennial​

Who are these millennials? Customers, employees, and leaders. Being a millennial is a state of mind, an approach to living and competing. Jeff Bezos of Amazon is a millennial. Larry Page of Alphabet is one. Elon Musk is a millennial. Jack Ma, of Alibaba, is a millennial. And of course, the first generation to come in the new millennium are millennials. The millennial generation (the largest generational group in the history of United States) is comprised of those born between 1980 and 2000. There are over 84 million of them including 39% of the US workforce (50% by 2020). According to a PEW their top priorities are being a good parent (over 30% are already parents), having a successful marriage, and helping others in need. They are more educated than any generation before. They influence major family decisions. A technologically savvy group that exercises more and likes to They look for passion in their jobs and want to work for a company they believe in. They are capable o

The new Cold War is upon us

The new cold war : The digital battle between privacy and comfort, between individual ownership, market control, and state jurisdiction. The fight is over “information” & “intelligence” the preferred weapon of the victors – over the ages! The last cold war:  Was concurred by the capitalists bearing gifts of comfort and luxury. The defeated communists failed its ability to offer any such prize. In other words, the right and advantage of individuals overcame the need of many! This time the choices are “my” right of ownership (my data, my information, my choice) vs. the prizes of better service, relevant discounted products, unique and individualized experiences … more luxury and gifts.  On one side EU  “stands firmly for the interest of individuals” requiring “positive consent for the ways their data is used.”  On the other side US and the powerful US corporations who are fighting for less regulation and more access arguing improved service and their corporate rights of owne