The new Cold War is upon us

The new cold war: The digital battle between privacy and comfort, between individual ownership, market control, and state jurisdiction. The fight is over “information” & “intelligence” the preferred weapon of the victors – over the ages!
The last cold war: Was concurred by the capitalists bearing gifts of comfort and luxury. The defeated communists failed its ability to offer any such prize. In other words, the right and advantage of individuals overcame the need of many!
This time the choices are “my” right of ownership (my data, my information, my choice) vs. the prizes of better service, relevant discounted products, unique and individualized experiences … more luxury and gifts. 
On one side EU “stands firmly for the interest of individuals” requiring “positive consent for the ways their data is used.” On the other side US and the powerful US corporationswho are fighting for less regulation and more access arguing improved service and their corporate rights of ownership and global threat of terror. BUT, WAIT! Enters China the state force. The Chinese have taken a position rooted in their old defeated stance – the right of the state and masses over the right of individuals. Giant Chinese organizations with hundreds of millions of active digital data providers (Bidu, Alibaba, etc.) powered by significant (more than and all others) investment in Artificial intelligence will give both the US and EU a run for their money! While we in the west argue ownership, they are focused on value delivered … On the other hand... the west seems to be experiencing a bit of fraction... France is taking a page out of the China playbook with close to a $2.0 government investment. <Click Here> for more on this. The new prize that may give the old “Commies” and the known socialists an edge in this new cold war! … Be aware, Be alert!
Is the right to privacy a fundamental human right? Should our right to privacy impede the human’s right to improved health and a longer life (think digital health and genomics profiling)? Should our individual desire to remain anonymous give the forces of evil(think ISIS) the ability to hide in a vast and complicated digital world? 
We are in a digital cold war with far-reaching consequences. We, collectively, need to decide what victory looks like and what the definition of a “win” is? 

This article is a response to "THE NEXT COLD WAR IS HERE, AND IT'S ALL ABOUT DATA" you can read it <Click Here>

Please see for more on this. 


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