
Showing posts from April, 2017

“Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.”

        History, the great teacher, suggests that the basics of strategizing, blocking, and tackling have not changed over decades and perhaps over centuries. Strategy formulation has always been a lot more than tinkering with process.  History also points to the source of failure: refusal to alter our mindset and approach in order to deal with change and uncertainty.         The challenge ahead is how to adhere to the basics of business while breaking the rules and detaching from old habits. Experts over the ages agree that good strategy is rooted in figuring out “what not to do.” Apply that advice when planning for your future: choose not to strategize statically in a dynamic world. Decide to challenge yourself and alter your thinking and actions. Lip service around change and agility will not result in success! “Going to church doesn’t make YOU a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes YOU a car.” —Billy Sunday, Baseball Hero & Christian evangelist                    

“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”

    The future will be ruled by visionary leaders who are not derailed by the hoopla of big data and analytics and are focused on comprehension, innovation, and strategy. Leaders who see information and data as a critical asset and not just a byproduct of doing business will gain the winning edge by discovering advantages and adjusting course as needed.     The force of insight from data is without a doubt massive and getting increasingly more powerful. Although technology facilitates the access to the force and the insight it carries, it does not guarantee a win in the marketplace. Advantages don’t magically appear because we are “competing on analytics.”  They are a result of “competing on analytically informed strategies.”     Fuel your strategies with a constant flow of innovation coupled with rapid and decisive actions.  Put this force data analytics and its offspring, insight, behind your thinking and doing. Companies and leaders who push against this force are doomed to lose—to

Skip Pichard's Article: What A Caterpillar Can Teach You About Growing Your Business

Many people think that businesses should develop a strategy and stick to it at all costs ...  But Sid Mohasseb, serial entrepreneur, investor, venture capitalist, and former the Head of Strategic Innovation for KPMG’s Strategy Practice teaches an entirely different approach: It’s the ability to adjust your strategy, almost constantly, that brings success. The environment is uncertain and changing, and changing with it is vital. Sid teaches that we must push for more and evolve from one approach to another.  For the full article by Skip Prichard < Click Here > 

The FORCE … It is about comprehension, stupid!

“It is the economy, stupid” was the campaign slogan that fueled Bill Clinton’s win over George H. Bush.  In the today’s competitive world “it is comprehension” of data and analytics that will drive success. Newton’s second law of motion suggests that force is expanded as the mass of an object and its acceleration are increased. Force equals mass times acceleration ( F=ma) and when either element increases, the force expands. In other words, faster speed of change imposed on a larger body of matter leads to an amplified force.  That is the story of data today—more data created at a faster pace generating greater force. More computing power coupled with the trends in digitization (turning data into machine readable format) has led to the creation of a tremendously large body of data (the mass). On the other hand, advancements in technology and shifts in consumer use patterns have caused an increase in the speed of change (the acceleration). The combination of these two factors has create

What Jeff Bizos Considers Dangerous !

Permanent and absolute wins in the business world are marvels of the past... Visit Post: < Click Here >  The competitive world of tomorrow is “Do or Die,” to succeed you must understand and overcome the natural frictions.                                  Chapter 6 –   The Caterpillar’s Edge