“Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.”

        History, the great teacher, suggests that the basics of strategizing, blocking, and tackling have not changed over decades and perhaps over centuries. Strategy formulation has always been a lot more than tinkering with process. History also points to the source of failure: refusal to alter our mindset and approach in order to deal with change and uncertainty.

        The challenge ahead is how to adhere to the basics of business while breaking the rules and detaching from old habits. Experts over the ages agree that good strategy is rooted in figuring out “what not to do.” Apply that advice when planning for your future: choose not to strategize statically in a dynamic world. Decide to challenge yourself and alter your thinking and actions.

Lip service around change and agility will not result in success!

“Going to church doesn’t make YOU a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes YOU a car.”

—Billy Sunday, Baseball Hero & Christian evangelist

                                                                                                                        Chapter 3 – The Caterpillar’s Edge


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