AGAIN humbled, proud, touched and thrilled at the same time! An email from China …

A quick story about Gaining the Caterpillar’s Edge from CHINA. Here is an email from an old Chinese student and his interaction with his investor father. I thought it might be an interesting read – here is the email:

Dear Professor Sid,

A few days ago, I finished reading your book. As soon as I finished it, I got together with my father immediately. We discussed the key points and were reminded that: “The best time to induce change is when things are good.

As you know my father invested and established the largest lantern group co. in China. The traditional lantern business has been around for hundreds of years. They have been trying to evolve in the last ten years, but they couldn’t manage to do so. My father saw the reasons as: 1) the board members of the company are afraid of the unknown outcome of making changes -The traditional way has worked for hundreds of years and the industry has been doing just fine, 2) board members were limited by their vision, resources and background, and 3) the board limitations and addictions were guiding management to be happy with status quo. They were all trapped in the old thinking traditional lantern business before.

The traditional lantern business requires special technical knowledge and is labor-intensive. My father’s investment in the company was contingent on change! He helped alter the product centric traditional idea to selling work of arts offering increased value and re-positioning the value proposition. To this end, my father helped with forming new and innovative partnerships with various type of entertainment venues (entertainment parks) and motorized entertainment carnival. The company is now the best performer in the whole industry.

But here is where your book inspired my father and I … “The best time to induce change is when things are good.” It is time to evolve again and faster.

We will be expanding the vision by increasing collaboration with other entertainment industries and will be looking at licensing action figures and offering specialized merchandizing using the artistic value of the lantern designs. We will accomplish these new attempts fast to get rid of the doubts from the other board members by showing them hope and confidence.

Just wanted to share this quick note to thank you on behalf of myself and my father for your good and inspiring book.

Tiger Chen


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